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Ballymacrickett Primary School and Nursery Unit, Glenavy
School reopens on Monday 6th January All children will return to school on Monday 6th January. There will be no breakfast served at morning club on this day.
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P3 trip to Greenmount

23rd May 2023

We had such a fantastic day on our trip to Greenmount. We enjoyed some pond dipping in one of the many beautiful ponds in the campus...we found lots of pond life lurking underneath the surface! Next, we enjoyed a beautiful walk around the walled gardens which are over 200 years old. We even got picking and smelling wild garlic! Then it was time to use some natural materials to create some lovely art pieces of insects, before heading off on our minibeast hunt. We found some really interesting creatures hiding under stones and logs! After a short lunch break we had some time exploring the maze - it was tricky trying to get all the way to the middle and back out again! We then headed for a final walk round another lovely lake to finish off a busy but wonderful day. The boys and girls were all fantastic...Well done everyone πŸ›πŸžπŸπŸŒπŸœπŸ•·πŸŒΈβ˜€οΈ