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Ballymacrickett Primary School and Nursery Unit, Glenavy

Pupil of the Week 21st October

21st Oct 2024
Congratulations to all our Pupils of the Week!

P1 Mia                             For bringing a lovely smile to school every day!

P1 Zack                           For working very hard at writing his sounds and HFWs.

P2 Reva                           For excellent listening and for always being such a kind and caring little girl.

Mrs Magee’s Primary 3      For their wonderful preparation and Class participation in their Enrolment Ceremony. Well done, Boys and Girls!

Mrs O’Neill and Mrs Fay’s  For excellent participation in your Enrolment P3 Class Ceremony.

P4 Leo                            For great thinking in his Abacus investigation. Well done!

P4 Fianna                        For all her awesome problem solving during Maths Week.

P5 Cadhan                       For writing a fabulous Halloween Poem.

Miss Loane’s P5 Class       For reading one million words on Accelerated Reader.

P6 Ryan                          For being a very kind and caring friend when he didn’t know someone was watching!

P6 Daniele                      For being a great girl and working hard in P6.
P7 Saorlaith                    For showing great perseverance with her work in recent weeks and enjoying her just rewards.

P7 Ray                           For working hard, listening well and for choosing to do the right thing!