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Ballymacrickett Primary School and Nursery Unit, Glenavy

Pupil of the Week 23rd January

23rd Jan 2023

Congratulations to all our Pupils of the Week!


P1 Ben                                  For being such a kind and caring friend to everyone in our class.

P1 Lily                                   For working so hard in school.  We love your energy, Lily.  Keep eating those Weetabix!

P2 Fiona                                 For being a kind and caring friend to everyone                                   

P2 Liam                                  For wonderful independent writing using great detail.

P3 Enyn                                  For having a very positive attitude to his work and always trying his best.

P3 Lorcan                                For his excellent listening and dedication to his work.  Well done!

P4 Robyn                                For using her imagination so well in Activity Based Learning.                           

P4 Caoimhe                             For always showing great kindness to others and being a caring friend.

P5 Dermot                               For good behaviour and lovely singing in Mass. 

P5 Malachi                               For making improvements in presenting work.

P6 Daniel                                 For great atlas work when finding the world’s longest rivers.

P6 Scott                                   For being brave and giving things a go!

Mrs McAllister’s P7 Class            For your excellent participation and performance shown at your Commitment Service!

Mr Geoghegan’s P7 Class           For being extremely reverent during their Commitment Service.