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Ballymacrickett Primary School and Nursery Unit, Glenavy

Pupil of the Week 5th June

8th Jun 2023

Congratulations to all our Pupils of the Week!


P1 Jake                        For amazing numeracy skills and fantastic addition.  We are so proud of you!

P1 Cillian                      For being an amazing class librarian.  Thank you, Cillian!

P2 Noah                        For being a great helper to Mrs Kearns in class.                                 

P2 Isabel                       For working really hard to get her work finished.  I am so proud of you, Isabel!

Mrs Magee’s P3 Class     For showing great teamwork and enthusiasm on our mini beast hunt around our school grounds.

P3 Cormac                    For his excellent recount of our trip to Greenmount – keep up the great work!

P4 Grace                       For being very polite and helpful to all of the substitute teachers we had in class this week.                                                                                      

Mrs Clarke’s P4 Class     For excellent approach and positive attitude to all of their Sports Day!

P5 Cara                        For writing a fantastic speech.

P5 Eve                         For great listening skills and her ability to do chest compressions during our First Aid training.

P6 Maddie                    For excellent work on pie charts.

P6 James                     For excellent reading!

P7 Jessica                    For producing excellent artwork – posters to advertise Park and Stride.

P7 Emily                      For being a great friend and always working to her full potential.